Colaboración JAMU - Faculty of music / Janáček Academy of Performing Arrts

Omar Rojas
(Tamaulipas, México 1982)
Estudió composición musical en el Centro de Investigación y Estudios de la Música (MX) bajo la tutela de los maestros María Antonieta Lozano, Alejandro Velasco “Kavindu” , Víctor Rasgado, Enrico Chapela y Marcela Rodríguez donde se desempeñó como docente entre 2002 y 2014. En 2009 y 2012 respectivamente obtuvo su Maestría y Doctorado en Composición en la Academia de Música y Artes Escénicas de Janacek (CZ) bajo la tutela de los Profesores Arnost Parsch e Ivo Medek, donde actualmente realiza su Postdoctorado y es miembro del Centro de Investigación de la Escuela de Composición de Brno en Facultad de Música. Ha dictado conferencias sobre Historia de la Música Mexicana y Latinoamericana, Aplicaciones de las Series de Fibonacci y Lucas a la composición musical y Aplicaciones de los sistemas numéricos maya y azteca a la composición en diversas ciudades de América, Europa y Asia, es miembro activo del Grupo de Investigación Artística Pedagógica de la Sociedad de Investigación Artística SAR (por sus siglas en inglés). Cuenta con múltiples publicaciones y su música ha sido premiada internacionalmente cómo fue el caso de la obtención del Primer Premio del VII Concurso de Composición Universidad de Zaragoza en 2011 así cómo distintas obras seleccionadas para el Foro Internacional de Música Nueva Manuel Enríquez. Fue beneficiario del programa Jóvenes Creadores del Fondo Nacional y las Artes en 2018, así cómo del Programa de Estímulos para la Creación y el Desarrollo Artístico del Instituto Tamaulipeco para la Cultura y las Artes. Su obra ha sido interpretada en diversas partes del mundo, incluyendo colaboraciones con renombrados artistas de cine, teatro y danza, cómo lo fueron su participación en el Proyecto “Campfire Poetry” de la Productora Neoyorquina Monticello Park Productions en 2016, su colaboración con el célebre actor mexicano Héctor Bonilla en la producción “Cada quién su Lara” en 2014, así cómo distintas colaboraciones con la compañía de danza Checo - Austriaca ProArt. Ha tenido eventuales incursiones en la composición e interpretación de música infantil con su proyecto “Los Mexicuates”.
“Dual 3”
Para guitarra eléctrica y medios electrónicos fijos
"Dual" es una serie de obras compuestas mediante el uso de nuevas tecnologías, que parten del empleo de grabaciones de campo como elementos estructurales fundamentales en cada una de ellas. En el caso de "Dual 3", la "columna vertebral" de la obra son grabaciones de las ciudades de Colonia en Alemania y Morelia en México, todas realizadas durante el año 2023. La electrónica fija se complementa con sampleos procesados en distintas capas. La parte de la guitarra eléctrica contiene elementos de música indeterminada, ya que está compuesta con matrices semialeatorias diseñadas a partir de la Serie de Fibonacci. La obra busca que el oyente experimente la combinación de los sonidos de ambas ciudades, amalgamados con los elementos colorísticos y musicales antes mencionados.
Jan Kavan
MgA. Jan Kavan, Ph.D. (*1979) is a composer, cellist, and game developer. He achieved a master's degree and later a doctoral degree at Janáček Academy of Performing Arts in Brno (Composition and Theory of Composition), where he currently teaches composition, multimedia composition, interactive, electroacoustic music, and video game music. In 1999, together with Ivo Medek, he co-founded Ensemble Marijan, an ensemble specialized in performing their own composed, comprovised, and multimedia pieces. They have performed at many festivals and venues worldwide, playing music ranging from acoustic pieces to complex multimedia performances.
He is a member of the Austrian-Turkish-Czech string quartet “Metamorphosis” and the French-Austrian-Japanese-Turkish-Czech formation “Rêve Général.”
As a soloist, he has performed with the North Czech Philharmonic, Czech Chamber Soloists, and the Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, with a strong preference for contemporary classical music. He is also a founding member of the recently formed Feux Follets, a trio of performing composers. For eight years, he was a member of the experimental ensemble tEóRia OtraSu.
Lately, his main focus lies in electroacoustic music, combining the latest technology with the aesthetics of vocals and cello.
Jan Kavan: The New Humanity
Composed 2024, World premiere at the international music festival Visiones Sonoras 20 in Morelia, Michoacán, México
Format: .wav, stereo, 48 kHz / 24 bit Durata: 10’40’’
The New Humanity is a composition about a world where Artificial Intelligence – ineptly and without actual emotional understanding, sometimes even mispronouncing words – recites (mostly) love poetry while humans fight each other in the most barbaric and inhuman ways possible.
Eventually, the AI proceeds to create its own language by synthesizing everything that was used as input and explores its own poetry totally independent of humankind. Microtonal scales and numeric series are used to portray the algorithmic aspect of machine processing, even though those were hand-crafted.
I’ve selected poems by Тарас Шевченко, Hafez Shams-ud-Dīn Muhammad Shirazi, Amir Gilboa, Mahmoud Darwish, and a poem in Yorùbá language, all showing the universal understanding of art despite the country of origin and power-hungry political structures forcing violence of all kinds over art.
Michal Indrák
Composer and teacher, graduated in composition from the JAMU in 2008. Author of more than 50 acoustic and electronic compositions of various kinds, including incidental music. Recently, he has been working mainly with electronic music and in his compositions he often uses organized polytempo structures that go through various processes and organization in space. Indrák is a member of the improvised music-focused Divergent Connections Orchestra and the Dunami Ensemble.
Blurred Sound
The piece was written in memory of my grandfather, who passed away this year and was an accordion player. From a recording of his original instrument was this piece created. It works with polytempo changes and sound manipulation of several short recordings of the instrument. The result is a rhythmically and pitch blurred polytempo structure that explores the inner sound world of the accordion. The form is essentially divided into two main parts. The opening quasi-exposition is followed by a long gradation that continuously decomposes the sound until the final noise component and the piece ends in short sound of night. The piece was composed during June 2024.
Dan Dlouhý
doc. MgA. Mgr. Ing. Dan Dlouhý, Ph.D.
Born on February 26, 1965 in Brno
Composer, solo percussion player and creator of percussion instruments, under the artistic pseudonym Dama Dama
Founding member and artistic and stage director of the Central European Percussion Ensemble DAMA DAMA and the duo CONVERGENCY; founding member of Art Inkognito (1985 - 90)
A graduate of Brno Technical University, in the field of nuclear equipment (1983 - 88)
A graduate of JAMU in Brno, where he studied percussion (1988 - 92), composition with A. S. Piňos (1993 - 99) and Theory of Compoisition (Ph.D.) (1999-2002),
His extensive collection of more than 1000 musical instruments forms the basis of the DAMA DAMA and CONVERGENCE instrumentarium; co-founder of DAMA PERCUSSION, a firm manufacturing percussion instruments
The composer of more than 150 chamber, orchestral and electroacoustic works (often for percussion, string or wind instruments specially created by him)
His compositions have been performed by the ensemble DAMA DAMA, the CONVERGENCE duo and the composer himself, as well as by other artists, at festivals in the Czech Republic and a number of other European countries, and have often been heard on radio and television, and have been recorded a lot of CDs.
Performances by his ensembles combine contemporary classical music with multi-media presentations
He made several thousands concert appearances as well as recordings for both Czech and foreign radio and television companies, as a soloist and a member of various chamber groups and orchestras. He has released 10 CDs profiling the work of DAMA DAMA and CONVERGENCE, and also took part in the recording of lot other compact discs. He has worked as a musician and composer in creating soundtrack music for television and theater, and contributed both musically and as an actor (a small role) to a Czech film based on Franz Kafka's novel "America".
Has twice received a prize from the Czech Music Fund, and also holds a prize from the Czech Music Board
Winner of the Generation 1995 national composers' competition and MUSICA NOVA 2000 (international competion of electroacoustic pieces)
Won, together with DAMA DAMA, the European Percussion Ensembles Competition in Enschede (the Netherlands) in November 1991
Since 2011 he has been the head of the Department of Composition, Conducting and Opera Directing at the Faculty of Music of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts, Czech Republic.
Ondrej Kalužák
Born in Nitra, Slovakia, Ondrej Kalužák has been showing interest in music since early childhood and began to play the violin at the age of six. In 2006 he moved to Brno, Czech Republic and began his studies of computer science at Masaryk University. He currently studies composition of electroacoustic music at the Faculty of Music of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno. As composer, he also cooperated with the Brno independent theatre Co.Labs and several other independent institutions. In 2023, he won The Prix Palma Ars Acustica, awarded by the European Broadcasting Union.
Conferencia Omar Rojas
Materiales extra citados en la charla
Posibilidades de la Serie de Fibonacci para la composición con nuevas tecnologías - Omar Rojas
Carpeta de archivos Omar Rojas VS20