Brenda Brown (Canadá)
- Hearing the Wind
Conferencia - Día 4
Descripción | Abstract
The video's subject is wind, in particular the wind in the landscapes of Chaco Culture Na6tional Historical Park in New Mexico, and how wind is seen in the people who live in the four corners region of the United States. Sound is a vital component of this portrayal.
Brenda Brown (Canadá)
Educated as both sculptor and landscape architect, Brenda Brown lives in Winnipeg, Canada, where she teaches Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design at the University of Manitoba. Brown creates “eco-revelatory design”, seeking to reveal landscape phenomena, processes and relationships, often considering how sounds can reveal landscapes and landscapes reveal sounds. Working in the US and Canada, she has created interpretive signage systems, listening trails, sound-video compositions and installations. In Michoacán, working with an ecologist, ornithologist and archaeologist, she designed a hummingbird habitat restoration for Tzintzuntzan along with an accompanying multi-media exhibition for Morelia’s MACAZ and the archaeological site itself. . She’s had residencies at the MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, Ucross, Chaco Culture National Historical Park, and Riding Mountain National Park as well as CMMAS.. Her writing has appeared in Landscape Journal, Landscape Architecture, Landscapes/Paysages, Journal of Landscape Architecture. She is editor of the book, Landscape Fascinations and Provocations: Reading Robert B. Riley (LSU Press).
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