Dark in the Song (Colectivo contemporáneo de Fagot) y Wendy Holdaway [USA/MÉXICO]

Interpretes: Wendy Holdaway, Contemporary Bassoon Collective
8 may 2012
Thicket (2011) Christopher Dietz b. 1977
Para cinco fagotes
Come Closer (2011) John Fitz Rogers. b. 1963
Para cuatro fagotes con click tracks
Music for Five Bassoons* (2012) Alex Weiser b. 1989
Para cinco fagotes
Kiss of the Earth
Dancing on Death’s Chair* (2012) Michael Ippolito b. 1985
Para cinco fagotes
Moderato ben marcato
Iftira* (2012) Felipe Perez-Santiago b. 1973
Para cinco fagotes y electrónica
Air* (2012) Andrew Lewis
para Fagot solo (Wendy Holdaway)
*Estreno mundial
DARK IN THE SONG is committed to leading the development of an adventurous and diverse new body of repertoire for bassoon ensembles. By working directly with composers to commission new pieces, performing, recording, arranging, educating audiences, and teaching a new generation of open-minded players, we seek to bring the bassoon to the forefront of 21st century music-making. Our recent appearances include the International Double Reed Society's 2010 and 2011 annual conferences, performances in North and South Carolina, and a residency at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. Upcoming residencies include South Carolina and upstate New York, culminating in the recording and November 2012 premiere and European tour of Michael Gordon's new concert-length work for seven bassoons, coordinated by bassoonist Dana Jessen.
We see ourselves as active participants in the continuing conversation between the vast range of musical styles that now make up contemporary art music - from modernism and the avant-garde to minimalism, popular music and rock, electronica, and folk and traditional music from around the world. If you'd like to join in the conversation, be it from the point of view of a composer, listener, performer, educator, patron, arts presenter, or curious onlooker, please don't hesitate to contact us.