Game over
Christof Ressi and Szilard Benes pursue the confrontation of extraordinary psychological states through music and media art. The instrumental sound of the clarinet dynamically interacts with electronics, video and body movement and lets the audience enter a manifold artistic vision of a landscape of the human soul.
Both musicians share a desire for crossing frontiers: Szilard Benes is constantly seeking to extend the sonic possibilites of his instrument, being inspired by contemporary music, free jazz and also klezmer; Christof Ressi loves to design live-electronic setups and computer programs which allow him spontaneous and direct manipulation of sound and video. Together they are searching for new means of expression which they believe to find in the confrontation of different media, keeping a personal definition of music as open-minded as possible.
The pieces are audio-visual concept improvisations focussing on various aspects and forms of musical interplay as well as interaction between different media like sound, image and movement.