The Music of Things - John Richards (Reino Unido)

thing = present-at-hand; thing = encounter
This talk presents the idea of a ‘music of things’ in relation to DIY electronic music. The electronic circuit is seen as representing an environment or framework where sound encounters or potentials may exist. There is the thingness of making the circuit, the connections for things to flow. So, when thinking about the thingness of a sound generating circuit, is this the connectivity of the circuit? Or the way in which the circuit is built, sounded or re-configured? Or the community from which the circuit arises? Other issues raised are making as performance, performance-installation, attending to sound, sonic wayfaring, and sound through materials.
John Richards explores the idea of Dirty Electronics that focuses on shared experiences, ritual, gesture, touch and social interaction. He is primarily concerned with the performance of large-group electronic music and DIY electronics, and the idea of creating music inside electronics. His work also pushes the boundaries between performance art, electronics, and graphic design and is transdisciplinary as well as having a socio-political dimension. Dirty Electronics has been commissioned to create sound devices for various arts organisations and festivals and has released a series of hand-held synths on Mute Records.

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