Memories and Feelings of Sound - Simon Emmerson (Reino Unido)

My chapter ‘Feeling sound’ was published in 2018. I realised recently that I had never presented this live with music examples. So I thought that for CMMAS 2021 I would do so. My aim is to encourage a vocabulary of describing responses to electroacoustic sound - to describe the sensation - what it feels like. How do we describe the sound’s impact upon us? The aim is not to define a vocabulary but to encourage a discussion. We may then begin to understand this music’s meaning to us. I have taken a series of memories of some of the earliest electroacoustic concerts I attended from 1969-1975. Remembering the profound effects these had on me: works by Roger Smalley, Stockhausen, Cage & Tudor, Denis Smalley, Philip Glass.
Simon Emmerson has been a composer and writer on electroacoustic music since the early 1970s. He is Emeritus Professor at the Institute for Sonic Creativity, De Montfort University, Leicester. Commissions include: GRM (Paris), Inventionen (Berlin), Darragh Morgan (violin), Philip Mead (piano), Sond-Arte Ensemble (Lisbon), BEAST. Writings include: The Language of Electroacoustic Music (1986), Music, Electronic Media and Culture (2000), Living Electronic Music (2007), Expanding the Horizon of Electroacoustic Music Analysis (2016), Routledge Research Companion to Electronic Music (2018). Edgard Varese Visiting Professor at TU, Berlin (2009-10). Keynote presentations include: Australasian Computer Music Conference 2011 (Auckland), International Computer Music Conference 2011 (Huddersfield), Music Science Technology 2012 (São Paulo), WOCMAT 2012 (Taiwan), Audiomostly 2014 (Aalborg), Alternative Histories of Electronic Music 2016 (London), CMMAS 2018 (Morelia).

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